IAJGS Achievement Awards 1999

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Each year, the IAJGS presents achievement awards to recognize excellence within our avocation. The Awards Committee consisted of Anne Feder Lee (Honolulu, chair), Carol Baird (San Diego), and Henry Wellisch (Toronto). The recipients were announced at the closing banquet of the 19th International Conference on Jewish Genealogy held in New York City on 12 August 1999. Jerry Emdur once again generously provided the awards plaques.

arthur_kurzweilIAJGS Lifetime Achievement Award: Arthur Kurzweil
In deep appreciation of your trailblazing work which teaches us that learning about Jewish family history is possible, despite ages of community destruction, Diaspora and the Holocaust.  We will always be grateful that you showed us the way, and for your past and continued inspiration to all Jewish genealogists and new Jewish genealogical societies that continue to be created worldwide because of your vision.

Miriam Weiner AwardOutstanding Contribution via Print Award: Miriam Weiner
For her book Jewish Roots in Poland. In recognition of your book Jewish Roots in Poland.  Your success in presenting the first officially sanctioned lists of Jewish documents in Polish archives makes it an extraordinarily valuable resource tool. The accompanying pictures and illustrations bring the vanished world of Jewish Poland to life once again.

Outstanding Contribution via the Internet Award: the Jewish Records Indexing-Poland
In recognition of an extraordinary database, available via the Internet, which recently reached a half-million entries and continues to grow.  This database not only helps countless researchers but also demonstrates what can be accomplished through the cooperative energy of many volunteers and is an inspiration and model for databases covering other geographical  areas.

Outstanding Publication Award: the Israel Genealogical Society
In recognition of Sharsheret Hadorot, Family Roots Research Periodical for excellent coverage of topics ranging from scholarly articles based on original research to news items about genealogy activities and resources in Israel, and for generously sharing that information with genealogists around the world by presenting those articles in both Hebrew and English.

Outstanding Programming Award: the JGS of Michigan
In recognition of programming which demonstrates a high level of creativity, organizational talent and cooperative spirit.  We commend your ability to offer your members such a diverse range of stimulating activities which cannot help but energize novice and experienced family researchers alike.

Outstanding Project Award: the Jewish Genealogical Society, Inc.  (New York) for initiating the Jewish Genealogical Family Finder
Since its inception, the Family Finder has been an invaluable resource for countless genealogists.  By making it possible to link up with others via surname or ancestral town connections, scattered family members have found each other and much knowledge has been shared.  Through this award, we wish to show our deep appreciation to those who conceptualized and implemented the original Jewish Family Finder project.

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