IAJGS Achievement Awards 2022

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IAJGS Lifetime Achievement Award 2022: Harry D. Boonin

In recognition of his pioneering role and over four decades of leadership, scholarship and mentorship in Jewish genealogy, Harry D. Boonin has been selected as the recipient of the 2022 IAJGS Lifetime Achievement Award. In 1979, Harry founded what is today known as the Jewish Genealogical & Archival Society of Greater Philadelphia. A self-taught historian, Harry has authored a prolific body of scholarship in Jewish genealogy and history, including four books and nearly 250 journal articles. IAJGS honors Harry for his trailblazing, steadfast, and exemplary service to the international Jewish genealogy community.

Nolan Altman Volunteer of the Year 2022: David Rosen

In recognition of his outstanding support of Jewish genealogy, the IAJGS is honoring David Rosen with the 2022 IAJGS Nolan Altman Volunteer of the Year Award. For more than ten years, David has been the volunteer coordinator of the JGS of Greater Boston's Memorial Plaques Project. Additionally, David's greatest contribution to the Jewish genealogy community of the Boston area and beyond are the mountains of records he has transcribed and indexed himself without fanfare. His efforts exemplify volunteerism at its finest.

IAJGS Outstanding Project/Resource/Program Award 2022: Jean-Pierre Stroweis

In recognition of his outstanding resource, the IAJGS is pleased to present this award Jean-Pierre Stroweis for its database of the 80,000 Holocaust victims deported from France or murdered there. For the past several years, Jean-Pierre has worked tirelessly to not only convert Serge Klarsfeld's Memorial books into a searchable tool, but also to correct errors and add missing details based on his own research. His database links each victim s name to other websites containing additional information pertaining to that individual, making it easier for researchers to find a relative in a range of sources via a single search.

IAJGS Outstanding Publication Award 2022: San Francisco Bay Area JGS for ZichronNote

In recognition of its outstanding efforts to inspire active participation among its members and excitement about Jewish genealogy in the wider community, the San Francisco Bay Area Jewish Genealogical Society has been selected as a recipient of the 2022 IAJGS Outstanding Publication Award for its quarterly publication, ZichronNote. Edited by Janice M. Sellers, this journal features articles based on original research and timely commentaries written by members as well as a curated calendar of upcoming genealogy events.

IAJGS Outstanding Publication Award 2022: JGS of Illinois for Morasha

In recognition of its outstanding efforts to encourage engagement in research and educate its members, the Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois has been selected as a recipient of the 2022 IAJGS Outstanding Publication Award for its quarterly publication, Morasha. Edited by Dale Amdur, this newsletter features historical, anecdotal, and research-related articles written by JGSI members and concise recaps of the society's monthly meetings and conference participation.

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