Angelika Ellmann-Krüger and Dietrich Ellmann, We Salute You!
December, 2007 - Angelika Ellmann-Krüger and her husband, Dietrich Ellman, have labored to create what many might argue is the definitive resource for German-Jewish genealogical research, Bibliography on German-Jewish Family Research and on Recent Regional and Local History of the Jews. The couple sought out any and all publications, in both English and German, which might have genealogical information about Jews in Germany. The sources include not only books, but also articles from old and current journals, newspapers, and collective works – from a total of more than 32,000 published sources. The database that culminated from these efforts also includes information about locations where the particular source can be found, whether at the Library of Congress, the library at the Leo Baeck Institute in New York, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in D.C., or elsewhere. The database also provides links to websites that are useful for Jewish genealogical purposes. This work demonstrates the value of consulting published literature to find information on ancestors. In short, the database that the Ellmanns created is valuable for genealogists, historians, sociologists, anthropologists, and others researching German Jews.
Ron Arons, Chair, IAJGS Salutes
with Gary Mokotoff and Elsebeth Paikin