Board Application Form

To apply for a position on the IAJGS Board as a Director or Secretary, please complete the form below and submit it by the deadline of Friday, May 17, 2024. The Nominating Committee will propose a slate of candidates for four Officers. Elections will be conducted by electronic ballot, and results will be announced prior to or at the Annual Meeting on August 21.

Job descriptions can be found in Part III of IAJGS Policies and Procedures (see HERE). An updated description of the role of the Secretary can be found HERE.

The term of those Officers elected begins at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting and ends at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting two years later. Candidates should be aware that serving on the board requires a commitment of time and potentially expenses for travel. For information about the election process, IAJGS Board meetings, and travel reimbursement, click here.

If you have any questions, please contact the members of the nominating committee by email at or individual members of the committee at the addresses below.

IAJGS Nominating Committee 2024

  1. Mary-Jane Roth (chair)
    VP Programs, JGS of Greater Washington
  2. Joe Tarshish
    Treasurer, IAJGS
  3. Phil Goldfarb
    Founder and President, JGS of Tulsa

IAJGS Board of Directors or Secretary Application

    Your Information

    Your Background

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