Contact Us

Please contact us if you need assistance. For help with a specific problem, please contact the person listed below.

Conference Co-Chairs

The three conference Co-Chairs are Hal Bookbinder, Banai Feldstein and Ken Bravo.

All three Co-Chairs can be contacted together by emailing


The Program Committee chair is Sandy Malek.

Nolan Altman is organizing SIG and BOF activities for the conference.

Elias Savada is organizing the Film Festival for the conference.

Carol Montello is organizing the Breakfasts with the Experts and the Conference Banquet.

Exhibitors & Advertising

The chair of the Exhibitors Committee is Jackye Sullins.


Fundraising is being led by Gary Bowen. If you are interested in donating to the conference or sponsoring a conference activity, please contact him at


The hospitality co-chairs are Fred and Anne Kwiatkowski.


Daniel Horowitz will be coordinating the Conference Family Finder.

Shelly Weiner and Heidi Sugden will be coordinating the Conference Syllabus. They can be reached at

Judi Missel will be coordinating the Daily Planner.

Publicity & Marketing

The Publicity & Marketing Committee chair is Ella Perla.

Banai Feldstein will manage our social media on Facebook, Twitter, the conference Blog and the conference Discussion Forum. She can be reached at


The Registration Committee chair is Anne Feder Lee.


Beth Long will be coordinating the Resource Room at the conference.

Jan Meisels Allen will be coordinating the availability of databases for free access in the Resource Room.


Wilma Odell and Sharon Brown are coordinating volunteer activities. If you are ready to help with the huge number of activities during the conference (e.g., in the Resource Center, as a door monitor, as a film projectionist, etc.), please contact


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