Salt Lake City 2014
Our Platinum Sponsors

Conference News
- Conference article written by keynote speaker, David Laskin and published in the Forward on August 25, 2014.
- The conference is over. Thank you to all who contributed to its success: the presenters, exhibitors, volunteers, staff, conference committee members and especially to the participants!
- If you participated, thank you! If you have not yet rated the sessions in the Conference App, we would very much appreciate it if you would. We trust you had an outstanding experience. LIVE! and recordings of sessions provide you with the opportunity to enjoy the programs that you missed or wish to enjoy again.
- If you were not able to participate it is not too late to enjoy much of the conference programming through LIVE! and recordings of sessions.
- You can still enjoy 60 of the best sessions by subscribing to LIVE! and viewing these programs on your computer or tablet. By subscribing you will be able to view these programs as many times as you like until November 1, 2014 when LIVE! ends. By participating in LIVE! you will feel like you are right in the room, seeing and hearing the speaker, viewing the slides and, at times, seeing the audience. At $149, the cost is less than $2.50 per session
- And, you can also enjoy recordings, many with synchronized slides, of 139 of the programs by purchasing conference recordings from Fleetwood Onsite. The special conference pricing has been extended until September 5, 2014. Once you purchase recordings, you cay enjoy them forever. If you purchase all 139 recorded programs for $199.50, the cost is under $1.50 per session.
- The Conference App is in the major app stores. Download it to your device!

- The Conference Family Finder is now accessible at Use your registration password for access. Forgot it? No problem, enter your registration email and it will be sent to you. (6/21)
- Check out our LIVE! 2014 promo video. (6/19)

Or view an entire session from LIVE! 2013, Secrets of Jewish Genealogy Research at the Family History Library by Banai Lynn Feldstein.
Conference Highlights
- More than 800 individual participated in person or through LIVE!
- Conference registrants represented 40 US States and Canadian provinces.
- Registrants came from 18 countries: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States and Uruguay
- On its centennial over 15 presentations and films on World War I and its impact on our families
- A gallery of World War I era family pictures, posters and stories
- A book of World War I era family pictures and stories which will be available on-line about 60 days after the conference
- An opening session with keynote speaker, David Laskin
- A closing banquet with professional storyteller Susan Stone
- The play, "Time Capsule in a Milk Can";, the story of Emmanuel Ringelblum and the Warsaw Ghetto
- Focus areas on World War I, Technology, Migrations, Ethics and Jews of the Western U.S.
- Shabbat Dinner, Welcome Reception, Breakfasts with the Experts, SIG Luncheons, Gala Awards Dinner
- 250 sessions including presentations, films, meal functions, meetings and computer workshops
- Over 60 sessions available through LIVE! through November 1, 2014
- Nearly 140 recorded sessions, most with synchronized slides, which can be purchased and enjoyed forever
- A bus trip and tour of headquarters in Provo, UT
- A bus trip and tour of the newly rebuiltLDS Temple in Ogden, UT
- A SHARE Fair to learn about and link up with diverse genealogy organizations (SIGs, BOFs, JGSs, etc.)
- Access to the Family History Library and its non-Internet accessible collections
- Free access to subscription-based genealogy databases from around the world
- The latest products from a wide array of genealogically focused exhibitors
- Daily drawings for a total of 35 valuable door prizes generously provided by our exhibitors
- Useful technology, including conference materials on your smart phone, tablet and laptop
- The ability to come in person, participate over the Internet LIVE! and later, or to do both
- A secure, friendly Conference Family Finder available on-line before and after the conference
- Making new connections and renewing friendships
Thank you. As we say after the Passover Sedar, Next year in Jerusalem!
Hal Bookbinder, Banai Feldstein and Ken Bravo, Conference Co-Chairs
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