Daily Morning Minyan Services
As an official part of the conference, space is provided for daily morning minyan services. The conference accommodates minyan services but does not organize them or provide any materials.
A room will be available for a traditional (Orthodox) service and, if requested, another will be made available for a non-traditional service.
Jewish Congregations in the Community
Map from the conference hotel
- Belongs to both the Union for Reform Judaism and the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
- Kol Ami is located in the East Millcreek neighborhood. 2425 Heritage Way (2760 South), Salt Lake City, Utah 84109
- Weekly Friday evening and Saturday morning services as well as Tot Shabbat and Youth services are provided
- Morning Minyan is held on Sunday at 8:15am, Monday and Thursday at 7:30am.
- The synagogue office can be reached at 801-484-1501.
- Rabbi Ilana Schwartzman, rabbiilana@conkolami.org
Map from the conference hotel
- All Services are held at BAIS MENACHEM, 1760 South 1100 East, Salt Lake City, UT 84105.
- Shabbat evening services are held at 7:30pm in the Summer and Shabbat morning services are held at 9:30 a.m., followed by a sit-down Kiddush.
- Weekday minions, Monday through Friday are held at 7:30am.
- The synagogue can be reached at (801) 467-7777.
- Rabbi Benny Zippel, rabbi@jewishutah.com.
Map from the conference hotel
- Salt Lake City's Reconstructionist Jewish Congregation.
- The Leopard in the Temple, the Chavurah's chanting group, meets regularly in the Pepper Chapel at Congregation Kol Ami. Contact Alan Fogel for further information, alan.fogel [at] psych.utah.edu.
- Services are held one Friday per month at the Pepper Chapel at Congregation Kol Ami. Check the Chavurah website for specific dates.
- The mailing address for the Chavurah is P.O. Box 9115, Salt Lake City, UT 84109.
- For additional information, contact Rob Mayer, executive committee chair, Robert.Mayer [at] fcs.utah.edu, Joanne Slotnik, executive committee, jcslotnik [at] comcast.net or Matthew Weinstein, treasurer, weinsteinm [at] gmail.com.
Note: The above emails are as shown in the Chavurah website. You will need to replace the " [at] " with a "@" in the address.
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