6:30 PM - 10:00 PM
F-21 |
Shabbat Evening Minyan
Salon III |
1st Floor |
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
F-00 |
$$$ Shabbat Dinner. Purchase deadline: July 22 (Tuesday)
Salon II |
1st Floor |
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Sat-01 |
Shabbat Minyan
Salon III |
1st Floor |
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sat-02 |
IAJGS Board meeting
Marlis Humphrey
Executive Boardroom |
1st Floor |
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
S-36 |
Shacharis Service
Salon III |
1st Floor |
9:30 AM - 10:15 AM
S-27 |
New Attendee Welcome and Orientation
Marlis Humphrey
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
S-35 |
LIVE! Facilitator Orientation
Marlis Humphrey
Banai Feldstein
Sandra Malek
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
S-01 |
A Pause in the Journey
Joan Abramson
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
S-24 |
Crypto Jews
Art Benveniste
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
S-09 |
Jewish Genealogy Research Essentials Part 1
Nancy Adelson
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
S-20 |
The Sephardic Diaspora in Poland: Dusting Off the Traces
Amelia Serraller
Canyons/B |
2nd Floor |
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
S-12 |
$$$ JRI-Poland Luncheon JRI-Poland: Small Miracles. Purchase deadline: July 28 (Monday)
Eden Joachim
Judy Baston
Robinn Magid
Trofi North |
1st Floor |
1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
S-29 |
Grand Ballroom A & B |
2nd Floor |
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
S-04 |
Beyond Vital Records
Avrohom Krauss
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
S-05 |
Bringing Polish Ancestors to Life Using 19th-Century LDS Microfilms
Judith R. Frazin
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
S-30 |
FILM: Thunder in Guyana
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
S-06 |
IAJGS Webmasters BOF Meeting
Salon III |
1st Floor |
S-16 |
One-Step Webpages: A Potpourri of Genealogical Search Tools
Stephen Morse
Canyons/B |
2nd Floor |
S-18 |
Professional Genealogists BOF Meeting
Jeanette Rosenberg
Laurence Harris
Salon I |
1st Floor |
S-28 |
The Shoah victims' names database - simple expansion or radical change?
Alexander Avram
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
1:45 PM - 3:45 PM
S-08 |
$$$ Introduction to JewishGen; Computer Lab
Debra Kay-Blatt
Suite 326 |
3rd Floor |
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
S-31 |
FILM: The World Was Ours
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
S-07 |
Insider's Guide to the Family History Library
Banai Feldstein
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
S-11 |
Jewish Genealogy--How to Start, Where to Look, What's Available
Lara Diamond
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
S-22 |
The 1918-19 Cohen and Morgenthau Missions to Poland to Investigate Pogroms Against Jews
Judy Baston
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
4:45 PM - 6:00 PM
S-10 |
Jewish Genealogy Research Essentials Part 2
Nancy Adelson
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
S-03 |
Jewish Surnames
Warren Blatt
Canyons/B |
2nd Floor |
S-21 |
Search Tips & Tricks on Ancestry.com
Crista Cowan
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
S-17 |
Using the FamilySearch.org website for Jewish research
W. Todd Knowles
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
4:45 PM - 6:30 PM
S-32 |
FILM: Shadows From My Past
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
S-25 |
IAJGS President's Reception
Marlis Humphrey
Concierge Lounge |
17th Floor |
7:00 PM - 8:15 PM
S-14 |
Keynote Address (Sponsored by Ancestry.com)
David Laskin
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
8:30 PM - 10:00 PM
S-33 |
Opening Reception
Grand Ballroom Foyer |
2nd Floor |
6:20 AM - 8:00 AM
M-38 |
Monday Minyan
Salon III |
1st Floor |
7:30 AM - 8:45 AM
M-80 |
Discussion Group on Access to New York City Vital Records
Jan Meisels Allen
Canyons/B |
2nd Floor |
M-13 |
Finding Living People on the Internet
Ron Arons
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
M-48 |
The Jews who left Spain and their genealogy
Daniel Horowitz
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
M-29 |
The War That Spelled The End To Galicia
Andrew Zalewski
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
M-05 |
$$$ Breakfast with the Experts - Your First Visit to the Family History Library. Purchase deadline: July 28 (Monday)
Joe Everett
Salon II |
1st Floor |
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
M-02 |
A Password to the Past
Valery Bazarov
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
M-03 |
A Very Short Course in Hebrew for Family Researchers
Vivian Kahn
Rony Golan
Canyons/B |
2nd Floor |
M-46 |
Belarus SIG Meeting
Salon I |
1st Floor |
M-11 |
JRI-Poland Records from Galicia and Congress Poland -- and Searching for Digital Images
Judy Baston
Michael Tobias
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
M-31 |
Marketing for Your Society
Shipley Munson
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
M-32 |
Military Records on Ancestry.com
Lisa Elzey
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
M-25 |
ROM-SIG annual meeting
Salon III |
1st Floor |
M-45 |
Warsaw of our ancestors. The Jewish Historical Institute and your research
Aleksandra Dybkowska
Grand Ballroom/A |
2nd Floor |
9:45 AM - 11:45 AM
M-43 |
$$$ JewishGen Databases
Nolan Altman
Suite 326 |
3rd Floor |
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
M-42 |
Canada BOF Meeting
Salon III |
1st Floor |
M-08 |
Clued-In: Petticoats & Puttees: Identifying the Clothing in World War I Family Photographs
Ava (Sherlock) Cohn
Canyons/B |
2nd Floor |
M-24 |
DNA Project Administrators BOF Meeting
Salon I |
1st Floor |
M-56 |
FILM: Ahead of Time: Extraordinary Journey of Ruth Gruber
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
M-15 |
Galician & Polish Genealogical Records: A Survey of Unique and Unusual Archival Holdings
Pamela Weisberger
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
M-20 |
Italy and the Holocaust: Records at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Megan Lewis
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
M-34 |
Questions and Answers re "The Family"
David Laskin
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
M-49 |
Using jewish-heritage-europe.eu – an online clearinghouse on Jewish heritage issues in 48 countries
Ruth Gruber
Grand Ballroom/A |
2nd Floor |
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
M-04 |
$$$ Belarus SIG Luncheon. Purchase deadline: July 28 (Monday)
Thomas Edlund
Salon II |
1st Floor |
M-17 |
$$$ Gesher Galicia Luncheon: Galician Gurus-Ask the Experts! Purchase deadline: July 28 (Monday)
Pamela Weisberger
Trofi North |
1st Floor |
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
M-07 |
Case Study: Genealogy of Renee Kaufman
Stephen Morse
Grand Ballroom/A |
2nd Floor |
M-12 |
Essential Technology for Genealogists
D. Joshua Taylor
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
M-40 |
Family Research in Romania's Jewish Cemeteries
Daniel Jurca
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
M-21 |
Family Tree Maker
Kendall Jefferson
Canyons/B |
2nd Floor |
M-57 |
FILM: Liga Terezin
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
M-35 |
Gesher Galicia SIG Meeting
Pamela Weisberger
Salon III |
1st Floor |
M-52 |
Jewish Immigration During World War I, Russian Revolution and Russian Civil War 1914 - 1920
Valery Bazarov
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
M-36 |
Novograd Volynnsky SIG Meeting
Salon I |
1st Floor |
1:45 PM - 3:45 PM
M-53 |
$$$ Managing and Configuring Your Personal myFTDNA Account at Family Tree DNA
Elise Friedman
Suite 326 |
3rd Floor |
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
M-01 |
1914-1928 - Records of Jews living in Britain during World War I and Afterwards
Laurence Harris
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
M-41 |
Bolechow Jewish Heritage Society BOF Meeting
Salon III |
1st Floor |
M-06 |
FILM: Budapest: An American Quest. A Family's Journey to 1920s Hungary. Documentary Film and Discussion
Lynn Schneider
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
M-22 |
Jewish Life in Bessarabia as it is Reflected in Bessarabian Newspapers, 1850-1930
Alla Chastina
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
M-37 |
Sensitive Subjects: How Much to Reveal, How Much to Conceal
Jane Rollins
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
M-47 |
Sub-Carpathia SIG Meeting
Marshall Katz
Salon I |
1st Floor |
M-16 |
Treasures in Print: Finding and Using Historical Newspapers
Robin Seidenberg
Grand Ballroom/A |
2nd Floor |
M-44 |
Using Pre-1826 Polish Parish Records in Jewish Genealogical Research
Debra Kay-Blatt
Warren Blatt
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
M-19 |
$$$ I Didn't Know That! What Reunion Can Do For You
Elias Savada
Suite 324 |
3rd Floor |
4:45 PM - 6:00 PM
M-09 |
Computer Security and Privacy for the Genealogist
Mark Heckman
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
M-58 |
FILM: Mamaliga Blues
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
M-18 |
Hunting 21sters: Your Society’s Newest Members
D. Joshua Taylor
Canyons/B |
2nd Floor |
M-51 |
Internet Collaboration: How Do We Share Our Family Trees Online?
Sallyann Sack-Pikus
Adam Brown
Gary Mokotoff
Israel Pickholtz
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
M-23 |
Jewish Records on Ancestry.com
Crista Cowan
Grand Ballroom/A |
2nd Floor |
M-28 |
Legal and Practical Aspects of Archival Research in Galicia
Tomasz Jankowski
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
M-30 |
The History of Genetic Genealogy
Bennett Greenspan
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
8:30 PM - 9:45 PM
M-26 |
Time Capsule In a Milkcan
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
8:30 PM - 10:00 PM
M-59 |
FILM: Lost Town
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
6:30 AM - 8:00 AM
Tu-48 |
Tuesday Minyan
Salon III |
1st Floor |
7:30 AM - 8:45 AM
Tu-66 |
Bessarabian SIG Board Meeting
Executive Boardroom |
1st Floor |
Tu-09 |
Crypto-Judaic Studies Panel, Part 1
Art Benveniste
Genie Milgrom
Bennett Greenspan
Schelly Talalay Dardashti
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
Tu-53 |
Early 20 c. visa files of Lwow-based foreign consulates; Polish passport police files genealogy resources.
Alex Denysenko
Grand Ballroom/A |
2nd Floor |
Tu-41 |
Researching the Story and Spirit of Jews who served in World War I
Lois Rosen
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
Tu-07 |
Soldiers in Judea
Joan Abramson
Canyons/B |
2nd Floor |
Tu-39 |
Sticking to the Union: Using Labor Union Documents for Genealogical Research
Jane Rollins
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
Tu-03 |
$$$ Breakfast with the Experts - Discovering the Jewish Resources at the Family History Library.
Heidi Sugden
Salon II |
1st Floor |
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Tu-40 |
Crypto-Judaic Studies Panel, Part 2
Art Benveniste
Genie Milgrom
Schelly Talalay Dardashti
Bennett Greenspan
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
Tu-13 |
From DNA to Genetic Genealogy: Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask
Stephen Morse
Grand Ballroom/A |
2nd Floor |
Tu-17 |
H-SIG Meeting
Vivian Kahn
Salon I |
1st Floor |
Tu-27 |
JOWBR & The Genealogical Value of Jewish Burial Records
Nolan Altman
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
Tu-36 |
Suwalki-Lomza BOF Meeting (Session has no leader. Those wishing to share are welcome.)
Granite Conf. Room |
1st Floor |
Tu-43 |
The Tragic Irony of Joseph's Commitment to an Independent Post-World War I Latvia
Eric Benjaminson
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
Tu-44 |
Tracing Jewish relatives in the UK after World War II
Jeanette Rosenberg
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
9:45 AM - 11:45 AM
Tu-11 |
$$$ Family Tree Maker MAC Computer Lab
Kendall Lovett
Suite 324 |
3rd Floor |
Tu-06 |
$$$ Creating KehilLinks Web Pages Computer Lab
Barbara Ellman
Suite 326 |
3rd Floor |
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Tu-02 |
Beyond the Manifest: Methods for Confirming One's Ancestral Origins
Emily Garber
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
Tu-10 |
Evaluating Evidence: Ask A mini-Minnie Question!
Ron Arons
Canyons/B |
2nd Floor |
Tu-67 |
FILM: The First World War: Shackled to a Corpse
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
Tu-14 |
From Family History to History: Bridging the gap using genealogy
David Laskin
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
Tu-57 |
Kaunas Jews' Expulsion during World War I
Rony Golan
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
Tu-30 |
Kremenets District Research Group Meeting
Granite Conf. Room |
1st Floor |
Tu-60 |
Latvia SIG Meeting
Salon III |
1st Floor |
Tu-33 |
Magyar Zsidók on the Move: 2000+ Years of Jewish Migration Into, Through, and From Hungary
Vivian Kahn
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
Tu-58 |
Sephardic Jewish Community of Los Angeles
Art Benveniste
Grand Ballroom/A |
2nd Floor |
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Tu-73 |
FILM: Lost Town (repeat)
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
Tu-20 |
$$$ Hungarian and ROM-SIG Luncheon. Purchase deadline: July 28 (Monday)
Karoly Vandor
Daniel Jurca
Vivian Kahn
Trofi North |
1st Floor |
Tu-31 |
$$$ Latvia SIG Luncheon. Purchase deadline: July 28 (Monday)
Henry Blumberg
Salon II |
1st Floor |
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Tu-62 |
Bessarabian SIG Meeting
Yefim Kogan
Granite Conf. Room |
1st Floor |
Tu-56 |
FILM: A Voice From Galicia: Reflections of Determination and Change
Lynne Schwartz
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
Tu-69 |
From the Spanish Inquisition to the Present A search for Jewish Roots
Genie Milgrom
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
Tu-15 |
Galician Jewish Refugees 1915-1919 and Their Gravestones in Western Bohemia
Vaclav Chvatal
Grand Ballroom/A |
2nd Floor |
Tu-22 |
Jewish Genealogy Research in Romania
Daniel Jurca
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
Tu-24 |
Jewish Polesie BOF Meeting (Session has no leader. Those wishing to share are welcome.)
Salon III |
1st Floor |
Tu-49 |
Kupiskis SIG and Rokiskis SIG Meeting
Salon I |
1st Floor |
Tu-34 |
Malice, Murder, and Manipulation. A Genealogical Journey to Heritage Citizenship.
Grant Gochin
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
Tu-45 |
Virtual Yizkor / Memorials Books - Creating Webpages Dedicated To Jewish Communities (Kehilot)
Susana Leistner Bloch
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
Tu-47 |
What's new in Latvian genealogy?
Ella Barkan
Canyons/B |
2nd Floor |
1:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Tu-12 |
$$$ Family Tree Maker PC Computer Lab
Kendall Jefferson
Suite 326 |
3rd Floor |
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
Tu-05 |
Conducting Webinars: Broadcasting lectures around the world
Daniel Horowitz
Grand Ballroom/A |
2nd Floor |
Tu-70 |
FILM: How to Re-Establish a Vodka Empire
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
Tu-55 |
GenealogyIndexer.org: Search Engine Updates and World War I Sources
Logan Kleinwaks
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
Tu-19 |
How to trace ancestors who fought in the British military forces in World War I
Laurence Harris
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
Tu-52 |
Lida District/Svencionys District BOF Meeting
Salon I |
1st Floor |
Tu-32 |
MAC and Apple Users BOF Meeting
Granite Conf. Room |
1st Floor |
Tu-38 |
Stanislawow: Interwar records at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Megan Lewis
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
Tu-50 |
Suchostaw Regional Research Group Meeting
Salon III |
1st Floor |
Tu-65 |
The Margarine Moonshiners from Minsk: Conducting Story-Driven Research
Tammy Hepps
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
Tu-61 |
To Tell or Not to Tell: Should the Family Skeleton Stay in the Closet?
Robin Seidenberg
Canyons/B |
2nd Floor |
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Tu-01 |
$$$ JRI-Poland Computer Lab
Robinn Magid
Suite 326 |
3rd Floor |
Tu-04 |
$$$ Charting, Formatting, Personalizing and Embellishing your Family Tree with Mac Reunion Software
Lois Rosen
Suite 324 |
3rd Floor |
4:45 PM - 6:00 PM
Tu-63 |
From Germany to North America in the 19th Century - The Bavarian Example
Ekkehard Huebschmann
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
Tu-16 |
Genealogy Beyond the Y Chromosome: Autosomes Exposed
Stephen Morse
Grand Ballroom/A |
2nd Floor |
Tu-64 |
Kobrin Uyezd Jewish Research Group Meeting (Session has no leader. Those wishing to share are welcome.)
Salon I |
1st Floor |
Tu-29 |
Kolbuszowa Region Research Group Meeting
Salon III |
1st Floor |
Tu-35 |
Protecting your Digital Genealogical Information
Mark Heckman
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
Tu-37 |
Specifics of Hungarian Jewish genealogy - historical background and resources
Karoly Vandor
Canyons/B |
2nd Floor |
Tu-08 |
World War I: Jews And the Commonwealth War Graves Commission
Saul Issroff
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
4:45 PM - 6:15 PM
Tu-71 |
FILM: When Grandpa Loved Rita Hayworth
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
7:00 PM - 8:15 PM
Tu-25 |
JewishGen 2014
Avraham Groll
Warren Blatt
Michael Tobias
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
8:30 PM - 9:45 PM
Tu-21 |
Introduction to the World Memory Project
Anna Fechter
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
Tu-42 |
The Jewish Genealogical Institute – Looking to the Future.
Dr. Neville Lamdan
Grand Ballroom/A |
2nd Floor |
Tu-46 |
What's in a Name? Trouble!
Ron Arons
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
8:30 PM - 10:40 PM
Tu-72 |
FILM: All Quiet on the Western Front
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
6:30 AM - 8:00 AM
W-48 |
Wednesday Minyan
Salon III |
1st Floor |
7:30 AM - 8:45 AM
W-51 |
Guess who's buried in a Jewish cemetery?
Gary Gans
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
W-54 |
I Couldn’t Put it Down! Series: Flipboard Your Family History
Marlis Humphrey
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
W-55 |
Landsmanshaftn and Their Records
Avrohom Krauss
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
W-33 |
One-Step Webpages: A HodgePodge of Lesser Known Gems
Stephen Morse
Grand Ballroom/A |
2nd Floor |
W-05 |
$$$ Breakfast with the Experts - Using the Resources of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Purchase deadline: July 28 (Monday)
Megan Lewis
Salon II |
1st Floor |
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
W-04 |
Beyond a Doubt: What We Know vs. What We Can Prove
Israel Pickholtz
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
W-06 |
Bukovina BOF Meeting
Salon I |
1st Floor |
W-12 |
Genealogy Under Fire: Government Actions Impede Access to Records YOU Need
Janet Alpert
Jan Meisels Allen
Teven Laxer
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
W-14 |
Getting the Most from Ancestry.com
Crista Cowan
Grand Ballroom/A |
2nd Floor |
W-15 |
Getting Your Litvak Research Moving
Eden Joachim
Judy Baston
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
W-43 |
Israel Genealogy Research Association (IGRA)
Salon III |
1st Floor |
W-21 |
Jewish Cemeteries in Bessarabia and Moldova: History, Current state, Indexing, Photographing
Yefim Kogan
Canyons/B |
2nd Floor |
W-22 |
Jewish Cemetery Restoration and Documentation Work in Czech Republic (Central Europe)
Vaclav Chvatal
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
W-39 |
Lodz Area Research Group Meeting
Granite Conf. Room |
1st Floor |
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Tu-68 |
FILM: Passages
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
9:45 AM - 11:45 AM
W-02 |
$$$ Ancestry.com Search Computer Lab
Anna Fechter
Suite 326 |
3rd Floor |
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
W-59 |
Ask the Experts: A Panel on the Geography, History, and Culture of Bessarabia / Moldova
Yefim Kogan
Alla Chastina
Alex Denysenko
Terry Lasky
Canyons/B |
2nd Floor |
W-63 |
FILM: Das Kind
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
W-11 |
For the Sake of the Children: The Letters Between Otto Frank and Nathan Straus Jr.
Joan Adler
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
W-40 |
JGS Newsletter Editors BOF Meeting
Granite Conf. Room |
1st Floor |
W-57 |
JRI-Poland Volunteers Meeting
Robinn Magid
Salon III |
1st Floor |
W-38 |
Searching for Records in Israel with IGRA
Garri Regev
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
W-24 |
The IberianAshkenaz DNA Project
Schelly Talalay Dardashti
Grand Ballroom/A |
2nd Floor |
W-46 |
Understanding Our Families, Understanding Ourselves
Ron Arons
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
W-50 |
World War I: Airman Julian Spiegel "and his flying comrades"
Karen Franklin
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
W-64 |
FILM: The Longing
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
W-03 |
$$$ Austria-Czech SIG Luncheon. Purchase deadline: July 28 (Monday)
Salon II |
1st Floor |
W-58 |
$$$ Bessarabian SIG Luncheon. Purchase deadline: July 28 (Monday)
Alla Chastina
Salon I |
1st Floor |
W-29 |
$$$ Litvak SIG Luncheon. Purchase deadline: July 27 (Monday)
Barry Mann
Trofi North |
1st Floor |
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
W-49 |
Calling All Readers: Novels & Memoirs for Jewish Genealogists
Lois Rosen
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
W-65 |
FILM: American Jerusalem: Jews and the Making of San Francisco
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
W-17 |
Hungarian Jews in the Austro-Hungarian and Hungarian Military—Overview and Resources for Research
Karoly Vandor
Canyons/B |
2nd Floor |
W-28 |
Litvak SIG Meeting
Salon III |
1st Floor |
W-36 |
Researching Your Canadian Jewish Family from Afar
Marion Werle
Grand Ballroom/A |
2nd Floor |
W-19 |
The Knowles Collection - What Is It and How Do I Use It
W. Todd Knowles
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
W-45 |
Tracing Jews Who Coughed Their Way West
Ellen Kowitt
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
W-47 |
Understanding Your DNA Results in the Context of Ashkenazi Ancestry
Elise Friedman
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
1:45 PM - 4:45 PM
W-18 |
IAJGS Annual Meeting
Granite Conf. Room |
1st Floor |
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
W-07 |
Collaborative Town Projects
E Randol Schoenberg
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
W-10 |
Getting to Know Fold3
Gordon Atkinson
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
W-61 |
How did Jews get to Europe?
Avraham Groll
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
W-52 |
Jewish Social Services for the Immigrant
Avrohom Krauss
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
W-31 |
Mogilev-Podolsky BOF Meeting
Salon I |
1st Floor |
W-13 |
Powerpoint 101: Constructing An "Intro To Jewish Genealogy" Talk
Joel Weintraub
Grand Ballroom/A |
2nd Floor |
W-37 |
Rohatyn BOF Meeting
Salon III |
1st Floor |
W-42 |
South African SIG Meeting
Salon II |
1st Floor |
W-20 |
WOMEN OF VALOR: Female Resistance to the Nazis
Joanne Gilbert
Canyons/B |
2nd Floor |
3:15 PM - 5:00 PM
W-66 |
FILM: Alexander Granach: From Shtetl to Hollywood
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
4:45 PM - 6:00 PM
W-56 |
Austria-Czech SIG Annual Meeting
Salon I |
1st Floor |
W-08 |
Creating a Collaborative Family Website using Treelines.com
Tammy Hepps
Canyons/B |
2nd Floor |
W-23 |
Jewish Genealogical Research in South Africa
Roy Ogus
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
W-53 |
Jewish Heritage Travel in Eastern Europe: From Empty Spaces to New Jewish Realities
Ruth Gruber
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
W-62 |
JewishGen KehilaLinks BOF Meeting
Salon III |
1st Floor |
W-27 |
Lithuanian Research-What Now? - Expulsion of Jews during World War I
Eden Joachim
Grand Ballroom/A |
2nd Floor |
W-32 |
Next Gen BOF Meeting
Salon II |
1st Floor |
W-35 |
Reading Jewish Tombstones for Dummies
Madeleine Isenberg
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
W-41 |
The Jewish Legion and the Jews in Eretz Israel in World War I
Rose Feldman
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
7:00 PM - 8:15 PM
W-01 |
A Culinary History of Jews in America based on the Astrological Signs Of The Delicatessen
Seth Front
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
W-09 |
FILM: Exposing the Untold Story of South America’s Jewish Sex Trade
Gabriela Bohm
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
W-16 |
Holly Golightly Was a Nice Jewish Girl: Researching the Reinventions of Our Ancestors
Pamela Weisberger
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
8:30 PM - 9:45 PM
W-34 |
OPEN MIC NITE: A 2genealogists-sat-in-a-bar production
Andrea Massion
Jane Rollins
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
8:30 PM - 10:15 PM
W-67 |
FILM: There Was Once ...
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
6:30 AM - 8:00 AM
Th-40 |
Thursday Minyan
Salon III |
1st Floor |
7:30 AM - 8:45 AM
Th-37 |
Cinema as Medium for Jewish-American Identity-Making
Eric Goldman
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
Th-45 |
Funeral and Mourning Ceremonies of Our Ancestors
Gary Gans
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
Th-46 |
IAJGS2015 Conference in Jerusalem, Israel - Worth the Trip?
Garri Regev
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
Th-06 |
$$$ Breakfast with the Experts - Interviewing Techniques. Purchase deadline: July 28 (Monday)
Joanne Gilbert
Salon II |
1st Floor |
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Th-01 |
A Hundred Germanies
Roger Lustig
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
Th-15 |
How to Better Communicate with Israeli Researchers and Relatives
Rony Golan
Grand Ballroom/A |
2nd Floor |
Th-52 |
Jewish Refugees of World War I: Discovering the Documentation at Kiev's Archive
Nadia Lipes
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
Th-21 |
Migration of Jews from the Mediterranean Basin in World War I
Yitzchak Kerem
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
Th-07 |
Ukraine SIG Business Meeting
Salon I |
1st Floor |
Th-39 |
United Kingdom SIG Meeting
Salon III |
1st Floor |
Th-03 |
Write Your Family History NOW!
Mike Karsen
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
Th-16 |
Introduction to TNG
Darrin Lythgoe
Canyons/B |
2nd Floor |
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Th-42 |
Archives and Genealogy: Utilizing the Leo Baeck Institute in Support of German-Jewish Family Research
William Weitzer
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
Th-47 |
FILM: Hungry Hearts
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
Th-19 |
Jews in the News: Historical Newspaper Research for Genealogists
Pamela Weisberger
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
Th-20 |
Latest Developments in UK Jewish Genealogy
Mark Nicholls
Jeanette Rosenberg
Laurence Harris
Canyons/B |
2nd Floor |
Th-22 |
Plan Your Roots Trip to Eastern Europe Effectively
Daniel Horowitz
Banai Feldstein
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
Th-30 |
The Growth of the Jewish Population in Russia from Historical Data through the 1897 Census.
Joel Spector
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
Th-34 |
Ukraine SIG Board Meeting
Salon III |
1st Floor |
Th-24 |
Yizkor Book SIG Meeting - Yizkor Book Project
Jan Meisels Allen
Salon I |
1st Floor |
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Th-48 |
FILM: Exposing the Untold Story of South America's Jewish Sex Trade
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
Th-13 |
$$$ GerSIG Luncheon. Purchase deadline: July 28 (Monday)
William Weitzer
Salon II |
1st Floor |
Th-35 |
$$$ Ukraine SIG Luncheon. Purchase deadline: July 28 (Monday)
Eric Goldman
Trofi North |
1st Floor |
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
TH-49 |
FILM: The Green Dumpster Story
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
Th-12 |
GerSIG Business Meeting
Jeanette Rosenberg
Roger Lustig
Nancy Adelson
Salon I |
1st Floor |
Th-41 |
I Couldn’t Put it Down! Series: Latest Trends in Publishing for Genealogists
Marlis Humphrey
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
Th-17 |
Jewish Given Names
Warren Blatt
Grand Ballroom/A |
2nd Floor |
Th-43 |
Kolo-Rypin Plock BOF Meeting
Granite Conf. Room |
1st Floor |
Th-80 |
Peter Drinkwater
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
Th-26 |
Searching The Censuses of the City of New York
Joel Weintraub
Canyons/B |
2nd Floor |
Th-38 |
Yes there is a female paper trail: a case study based on Eretz Israel
Rose Feldman
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
Th-32 |
TNG: Beyond the Basics
Darrin Lythgoe
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
Th-02 |
Ancient Documents Shed Light on Modern Research
Janette Silverman
Canyons/B |
2nd Floor |
Th-08 |
Ethical Dilemmas in Genealogy
Anne Lee
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
Th-50 |
FILM: Beautiful Tree, Severed Roots
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
Th-28 |
Finding Living Relatives: Techniques for Discovering Previously Unknown Mishpocheh
Martin Fischer
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
Th-31 |
Geni Users BOF Meeting
Salon I |
1st Floor |
Th-09 |
Sex, Murder, and Genealogy?
Mike Karsen
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
Th-44 |
Skeletons in our Closets: Researching a Family Scandal
Robin Seidenberg
Grand Ballroom/A |
2nd Floor |
Th-23 |
Planting a Family Tree Online with MyHeritage.com
Daniel Horowitz
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
4:45 PM - 6:00 PM
Th-04 |
Ask a Question or Make an Appointment
Janette Silverman
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
Th-05 |
Availability and Kinds of Jewish Genealogical Research Documentation at Ukrainian Archives
Nadia Lipes
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
Th-36 |
How to Document a National Jewry: The Jews of Scotland
Michael Tobias
Canyons/B |
2nd Floor |
Th-25 |
Restitution and Compensation Files in West German Archives
Ekkehard Huebschmann
Grand Ballroom/A |
2nd Floor |
Th-29 |
The Galveston Plan: Jewish Immigrants Through the Port of Galveston, Texas
Joanne Sher
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
4:45 PM - 6:15 PM
Th-51 |
FILM: Dear Mr. Waldman
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Th-11 |
$$$ Banquet featuring "Yiddishkayt: Tales from Then and Now" (all in English). Purchase deadline Tuesday July 29.
Susan Stone
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
F-12 |
Friday Minyan
Salon III |
1st Floor |
7:30 AM - 8:45 AM
F-08 |
Austria, Poland & Ukraine: 3 Countries, 5 Archives & 12 Wonderful Days of Discovery
Pamela Weisberger
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
F-02 |
$$$ Breakfast with the Experts - Resources in Israel. Purchase deadline: July 28 (Monday)
Michael Goldstein
Salon II |
1st Floor |
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
F-01 |
AncestryDNA Discoveries
Anna Swayne
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |
F-03 |
Buried Stories of the Jewish Sex Trade
Ornit Barkai-Sadan
Seminar Theater |
2nd Floor |
F-05 |
Follow The Puzzle Pieces Along the Mysterious Trail
Jean Moss
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
F-10 |
Gesher Galicia Board Meeting
Salon III |
1st Floor |
F-20 |
Sephardic Genealogy: Many Resources
Schelly Talalay Dardashti
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
F-04 |
Ukrainian Pogroms 1917-1921: using of the documentations as Jewish Genealogy source
Oleksiy Lipes
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
F-13 |
$$$ Bus Trip to Ancestry.com SOLD OUT
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
F-18 |
IAJGS Board meeting
Executive Boardroom |
1st Floor |
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
F-16 |
Bubbie, Who Are You?: Finding the Maiden Names in Your Family Tree
Janice M. Sellers
Grand Ballroom/B |
2nd Floor |
F-15 |
Finding Family in Vojvodina, Serbia and Beyond. - CANCELLED
Loren Greenberg Schonbrun
Canyons/C |
2nd Floor |
F-09 |
Jews in Utah - Not an Oxymoron
Rochelle Kaplan
Grand Ballroom/C |
2nd Floor |
F-11 |
Recreating Your "Shtetl" - Creating a Dedicated Group and/or Website
Susana Leistner Bloch
Canyons/A |
2nd Floor |