From 1:30pm to 5:00pm on Sunday, July 27, 2014 we will be holding a "SHARE Fair" in which non-profit organizations involved in or supporting Jewish genealogy will be able to tell Conference registrants about themselves and answer questions from these registrants.
For the organizations, it is a great way of linking up with potential new members and getting the word out about the great things each organization is doing. For the registrant it is great way to learn more about the support organizations which may facilitate their family research.
All types of non-profits will participate, including
- Special Interest Groups and Area Research Groups
- Birds of a Feather
- Genealogical Societies and Historical Societies
- Archives, Repositories, Libraries
- and more.
As organizations sign up, we will add them to the lists below
Special Interest Groups and Birds of a Feather
Participating SIGs
Participating BOFs
Other Genealogical Organizations
Genealogical and Historical Societies
Application Information
The deadline for applying to participate in the SHARE Fair is February 28, 2014.
Helpful links:
NOTICE: We recommend that you use Internet Explorer (IE) for the Application Forms, If you use IE you should have no problem filling in the Application Forms. Some Safari, Firefox and Chrome users may find that they cannot sign the form electronically. If you encounter a problem, please print the contract, sign it and scan the signed document..
[ If you have comments or technical questions about this web page, write to webmaster ]
The name of the fair is "SHARE Fair", where the letters stand for the following:
S |
IGs & BOFs |
H |
istorical Societies |
A |
rchives |
R |
repositories |
E |
minent local JGSs |