
IAJGS 2013 Boston -- SHARE Fair

Yefim A. Kogan, Head of Bessarabia SIG (left)
Florence Schumacher, Publicity & Marketing Committee Chair (right) — IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy SHARE Fair

One of the major responsibilities of the IAJGS is to facilitate and coordinate annual conferences on Jewish Genealogy. These conferences are of great value not only to those who attend but to the Jewish genealogical community as a whole. The research and preparations for each conference and the presentations made add to and enhance knowledge and learning. Each year, many Jewish Genealogical Societies present programs for their members based on information acquired at the conference. They also often publish articles in their periodicals based on materials shared at these Seminars.

As of the 2013 conference, all IAJGS International Conferences on Jewish Genealogy will be solely-hosted by IAJGS or co-hosted by IAJGS and a local member organization or organizations, unless otherwise decided by the IAJGS Board.

London 2023 Cleveland 2019
Warsaw 2018 Orlando 2017 Seattle 2016
Israel 2015 Salt Lake City 2014 Boston 2013
Paris 2012 Washington 2011 Los Angeles 2010
Philadelphia 2009 Chicago 2008 Salt Lake City 2007
New York City 2006 Las Vegas 2005 Jerusalem 2004
Washington DC 2003 Toronto 2002 London 2001
Salt Lake City 2000 New York 1999 Los Angeles 1998
Paris 1997 Boston 1996 Washington DC 1995