Is your society interested in co-hosting an IAJGS conference in the future? We're always looking for member organizations interested in helping with our conferences. Your participation will be a positive experience for your organization. We also welcome venue suggestions which should be directed to the IAJGS president (
Please view our YouTube video about the benefits to your society from co-hosting a conference here.
If your society is a co-host, IAJGS will work with your organization and clarify your level of participation and division of responsibilities. When all parties are agreeable, a written contract will be drawn up.
For over three decades, IAJGS has sponsored successful annual international conferences. The conferences enhance all our research efforts through lectures, workshops, and networking. We appreciate your interest in co-hosting. The work will be hard, but the results will be well worth it. Together we will add yet another successful conference to the long list of previous successes.
Requests are accepted several years in advance, but a decision must be made two years prior to the conference year. You can read more detailed conference requirements here. Then contact the IAJGS president (click here) to discuss becoming a co-host.
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