

A list of guidebooks published by IAJGS member organizations, including beginner's guides, handbooks, workbooks, manuals, etc.

Mailing Lists

IAJGS runs several mailing lists open to specific members and the general public.

  • Leadership Forum - A vehicle for discussion amongst the leaders of IAJGS member organizations.
  • IAJGSTech - A group for those interested in the application of technologies and technology education for the purpose of assisting IAJGS and its member organizations.
  • PRAMC - Public Records Access Alerts list, to learn about US and International issues about records access.

North American Jewish Community Books

This bibliography was compiled and edited by Hal Bookbinder & Joan Rimmon. It was included in Yearbook 2000, the syllabus of the 20th IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, July 2000, Salt Lake City. If you are aware of additional books to be added to this bibliography, please email the information to Hal Bookbinder.

Yearbook of Jewish Genealogical Societies

The Yearbook of Jewish Genealogical Societies contained updated information about over one hundred organizations involved in Jewish genealogy, providing a synopsis of activities during the past year and the latest organizational contact information.


A variety of PowerPoint presentations, usually from IAJGS Conferences, are available to review or reuse for societies. It is a courtesy to contact the original creator when using their presentation, as well as to leave the presentation intact -- do not copy the content and pass it off as your own work.

Additional Materials