North American Jewish Community Books – Canada
- A Biographical Dictionary of Canadian Jewry 1909-1914 – Lawrence F. Tapper, Teaneck, NJ, Avotaynu 1992
- A coat of many colours: two centuries of Jewish life in Canada – Irving Abella Toronto, Ontario, Lester & Orpen Dennys Publishers 1990
- Both sides of the wire: the Fredericton internment camp – Ted Jones Fredericton, New Brunswick, New Ireland Press, 1988-1989
- Canadian Jewish women of today: who's who of Canadian Jewish women – 1983 edited by Edmond Y. Lipsitz. Downsview, ON, J. E. S. L. Educational Products, 1983
- Canadian Jewry today: who's who in Canadian Jewry – edited by Edmond Y. Lipsitz Downsview, ON, J. E. S. L. Educational Products, 1989
- Demographic characteristics of Russian Jewish immigrants to North America upon arrival at a Canadian port of entry, 1881-1910 – Glen Eker, no location or date cited
- Early American Jewry The Jews of New York New England and Canada 1649-1794 & the Jews of Pennsylvania and the South 1655-1790 – Marcus Jacob Rader, Philadelphia, The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1953
- Heritage of a patriarch: Canada's first Jewish settlers and the continuing story of these families in Canada – Anne Joseph Sillery, Quebec: Septentrion; Saint-Nicolas, Quebec: Distribution Univers, 1995
- History of the Jews in Canada – B. G. Sack. Translated by Ralph Novek Montreal, Quebec, Harvest House, 1965, 1964
- Jewish Life in Canada – William Kurelek & Abraham Arnold, Hurtig. 1976
- Jews: An Account of their Experience in Canada – Erna Paris Toronto, Ontario, Macmillan, 1980
- Striking roots: reflections on five decades of Jewish life – Aron Horowitz Oakville, ON, Mosaic Press, 1979
- Taking root: the origins of the Canadian Jewish community – Gerald Tulchinsky Toronto, ON, Lester Pub, 1992
- The Canadian Jewish Mosaic – edited by M. Weinfeld, W. Shaffir, I. Cotler Toronto; New York, NY, J. Wiley, 1981
- The Jew in Canada: a complete record of Canadian Jewry from the days of the French regime to the present time – edited by Arthur Daniel Hart. Toronto, Ontario, Jewish Publications Limited, 1926
- The Jewish community in Canada – by Stuart E. Rosenberg Toronto, McClelland and Stewart 1970
- The Jews in Canada – edited by Robert J. Brym, William Shaffir, Morton Weinfeld Toronto; New York, NY, Oxford University Press, 1993
- The Jews in Canada – Bernard L. Vigod, Ottawa, Ontario, Canadian Historical Association, 1984
- The Jews of Canada – Martin Wolff, New York, NY, American Jewish Committee, 1926
- The Jews of North America – edited by Moses Rischin Detroit, MI,Wayne State University Press, 1987
- With Faith and Thanksgiving, The Story of Two Hundred Years of Jewish Immigration and Immigrant Aid Effort in Canada (1760-1960) – Joseph Kage, Montreal, Quebec, The Eagle Publishing Company Ltd., 1962
- Jewish Residents of Western Canada in the 1870-1901 Censuses of Canada – Glen Eker, Ontario, Guelph, 1994
- Land of promise: the Jewish experience in Southern Alberta – prepared by the Jewish Historical Society of Southern Alberta, Alberta, 1996
- The First Century of Jewish Life in Edmonton and Northern Alberta 1893 - 1993 Residents of Western Canada in the 1870-1901 Censuses of Canada – published in 2000 by the Jewish Archives and Historical Society of Edmonton and Northern Alberta, compiled and edited by Uriel Rosenzweig
British Columbia
- B.C. Jewish Cemeteries: Lower Mainland and Victoria – Richmond, B.C., British Columbia Genealogical Society, 1993
- Centennial of Vancouver Jewish Life, 1886-1986 – Cyril Edel Leonoff, Vancouver, (reprint from) Jewish Western Bulletin, 1986
- Creating community: images of Vancouver’s Jewish history: 25th anniversary of the Jewish Historical Society of British Columbia, 1997 – February 13 to March 12, 1997, Jewish Historical Society of British Columbia, Vancouver, 1997
- Jewish Cemeteries – Richmond, BC Genealogical Society, 1993
- Jewish Residents of Western Canada in the 1870-1901 Censuses of Canada – Glen Eker, Ontario, Guelph, 1994
- Pioneer Jewish merchants of Vancouver Island and British Columbia – Cyril Edel Leonoff, Vancouver, (reprint from) Jewish Western Bulletin, 1983
- Pioneers, peddlers, and prayer shawls: the Jewish communities in British Columbia and the Yukon – Cyril Edel Leonoff, Victoria, Sono Nis Press, 1978
- Pioneers, Ploughs and Prayers: The Jewish Farmers of Western Canada – Cyril Edel Leonoff, Vancouver, (reprint from) Jewish Western Bulletin, 1982
- Records of Imperial Russian Consulates in Canada, 1898-1922 – Russia, Consulate, Montreal, National Archives Trust Fund Board, NARA, Washington, D.C., 1992 (on microfilm)
- Running tough: the story of Vancouver's Jack Diamond – Gareth Sirotnik, Vancouver, Diamond Family, 1988
- Schara Tzedeck: 77th anniversary year book, 1984-5744 – Vancouver, Schara Tzedeck Synagogue, 1984
- A population study of the Winnipeg Jewish community – Montreal, Bureau of Social and Economic Research, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1946
- Hebrew ancestry of a Canadian Métis family – Glen Eker, no location or date cited
- Jewish experiences in early Manitoba – Winnipeg, Manitoba Jewish Publications, 1955
- Jewish life and times: a collection of essays – Winnipeg, Jewish Historical Society of Western Canada, 1983-1993
- Jewish Residents of Western Canada in the 1870-1901 Censuses of Canada – Glen Eker, Ontario, Guelph,1994
- Personal Recollections: The Jewish Pioneer Past on the Prairies – JHS of Western Canada, Winnipeg, 1993
- The Beginning of the Jewish community in Manitoba, Winnipeg? – Manitoba, Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources, 199-?
- The Jews in Manitoba; a social history – Arthur A. Chiel. Issued under the auspices of the Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba, Toronto University of Toronto Press, 1961
- Index to Jewish Residents in the 1921, 1935 and 1945 Censuses of Newfoundland – Glen Eker, Ontario, Guelph, 1996
- Jews of Atlantic Canada – Sheva Medjuck, St. John's, Breakwater, 1986
- Listen While I tell You: A Story of the Jews of St. John’s Newfoundland – Alison Joanne Kahn, St. John’s, Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland, 1987
New Brunswick
- Jewish Residents of the Maritime Provinces in the 1871-1901 Censuses of Canada – Glen Eker, Avotaynu, Teaneck, NJ, 1995 (fiche)
- Jewish Residents of the Maritimes in the 1891 Census of Canada – Glen Eker, location?, year?
- Jewish Residents of the Maritimes in the 1901 Census of Canada – Glen Eker, Ontario, Guelph, 1993
- Jews of Atlantic Canada – Sheva Medjuck, St. John's, Newfoundland, Breakwater, 1986
Nova Scotia
- From Belarus to Cape Breton and beyond: my family, my roots – Lawrence I. Gaum. Toronto, ON, Rainbow Recording and Pub., 1996
- Jewish Residents of the Maritime Provinces in the 1871-1901 Censuses of Canada – Glen Eker, Avotaynu, Teaneck, NJ, 1995 (fiche)
- Jewish Residents of the Maritimes in the 1891 Census of Canada – Glen Eker, Guelph, Ontario, date?
- Jewish Residents of the Maritimes in the 1901 Census of Canada – Glen Eker, Guelph, Ontario, 1993
- Jews of Atlantic Canada – Sheva Medjuck, St. John's, Newfoundland, Breakwater, 1986
- Levy family surname index for the 1861-1901 censuses of Lunnenburg District, Nova Scotia – Canada, Glen Eker, Ontario, Guelph,1994
- Records of Imperial Russian Consulates in Canada, 1898-1922 – Russia, Consulate, Montreal, National Archives Trust Fund Board, NARA, Washington, D.C., 1992 (on microfilm)
Northwest Territories
- Jewish Residents of Western Canada in the 1870-1901 Censuses of Canada – Glen Eker, Ontario, Guelph,1994
- A Traveler’s guide to Jewish Toronto – edited by Faygie Schwartz, Edmond Y. Lipsitz. Downsview, ON, J.E.T. Canada, 1992
- Archival sources for the study of Canadian Jewry – Lawrence F. Tapper, Ottawa, ON, The Archives, 1987
- Beth David Cemetery, Angela Files – Branford ON, Brant County Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 198?
- From our lives: memoirs, life stories, episodes, and recollections – by members of the Baycrest Terrace Memoirs Group. Oakville, ON, Mosaic Press, 1979
- Index to Jewish Residents in the 1851 and 1861 Censuses of Upper Canada and the 1861 Census of Lower Canada – Glen Eker, Ontario, ON, Guelph,1996
- Jewish Residents of Greater Ontario and Quebec Provinces excluding Greater Toronto, Montreal, and Quebec City in the 1871-1901 Censuses of Canada – Glen Eker, Ontario, ON,Guelph,1994
- Jewish Residents of Toronto in the 1861-1901 Censuses of Canada – Glen Eker, Ontario, ON,Guelph,1993
- Jewish residents of Toronto in the 1861-1901 censuses of Canada – microform, compiled by Glen Eker. Teaneck, NJ, Distributed by Avotaynu, Inc., 1993
- London Jewish Cemeteries, Restmount – west of iron fence or Shalom, east of iron fence: con. 2, lot 20, London Twp., (now in city of London), Byron McLeod, London, ON, London & Middlesex County Branch of the OGS, 1988?
- Metro Toronto's Jewish resource guide: the authoritative resource directory of community organizations, services, and facilities – North York, ON, Creative Marketing Group, 1996?
- New Jewish Cemetery – concession III, E ½ lot 15, Osgoode Township, Carleton County, ON, John Sayers, Ottowa, Ottowa Branch, OGS, 1994
- The Jews of Kingston: a microcosm of Canadian Jewry? – Marion E. Meyer. Kingston, ON, Limestone Press, 1983
- The Jews of North America – Moses Rischin, Detroit, MI, Wayne State University, 1987
- The Jews of Toronto: a history to 1937 – Stephen A. Speisman. Toronto, ON, McClelland and Stewart, 1979
- The United Jewish Community Cemetery – Concession IV, lot 7, Gloucester Township, Carleton County, Bank St., Highway 31, Ottawa, ON, OGS, Ottawa Branch, 1997
- Voices from the heart: a community celebrates 50 years of Israel – edited by Bonnie Goldstein & Jaclyn Shulman. Toronto, ON, McClelland & Stewart, 1998
- Why Windsor?: an anecdotal history of the Jews of Windsor and Essex County – Alan Abrams; with a foreword by Mark MacGuigan. Windsor, ON, Black Moss Press, 1981
Prince Edward Island
- Jewish Residents of the Maritime Provinces in the 1871-1901 Censuses of Canada – Glen Eker, Avotaynu, Teaneck, NJ, 1995 (fiche)
- Jewish Residents of the Maritimes in the 1891 Census of Canada – Glen Eker, Guelph, Ontario, ON, year?
- Jewish Residents of the Maritimes in the 1901 Census of Canada – Glen Eker, Guelph, Ontario, ON,1993
- Jews of Atlantic Canada – Sheva Medjuck, St. John's, Newfoundland, Breakwater, 1986
- A Checklist of Registers of Protestant and Jewish Congregations in Quebec – R. Neil Broadhurst, Calgary, Alberta, Kintracers, 1994
- A guide to the archival holdings at the Jewish Public Library of Montreal = Répertoire des fonds d'archives de la Bibliothèque publique juive de Montréal, compilers – Florence Cymbalista Silverstone, English, Rose Switzman Rosaminer, Yiddish; consultant, Carol Katz. Montreal, Quebec, Jewish Public Library Archives, 1991
- A preliminary guide to the Jewish Canadiana Collection of the Jewish Public Library – compiled by Naomi Caruso, Golda Cukier, Ronald Finegold. Montreal, Quebec, Jewish Public Library, 1981
- Changes in the geographical distribution of the Jewish population of Metropolitan Montreal in the periods from 1901 to 1961 and the estimated possible changes during the period from 1961 to 1971 – a preliminary study. Montreal, Bureau of Social and Economic Research, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1966
- Church Records, 1897-1901, Jewish Hebrew Congregation – Quebec, Quebec, Sant-Foy, Quebec, Archives Nationales du Quebec, 1904 (on microfilm)
- Index to Jewish Residents in the 1851 and 1861 Censuses of Upper Canada and the 1861 Census of Lower Canada – Glen Eker, Ontario, Guelph,1996
- Jew & French Quebecers: two hundred years of shared history – Jacques Langlais & David Rome; translated by Barbara Young. Uniform Title: Juifs et Québécois français. English Waterloo, ON, Wilfrid Lauier University Press, 1991
- Jew or Juif? Jews, French Canadians, and Anglo-Canadians, 1759-1914 – Michael Brown, Philadelphia, PA, Jewish Publication Society, 1987
- Jewish Residents of Greater Ontario and Quebec Provinces excluding Greater Toronto, Montreal, and Quebec City in the 1871-1901 Censuses of Canada – Glen Eker, Ontario, Guelph,1994
- Jewish residents of Greater Quebec Province, excluding Greater Montreal and Quebec City, in the 1871-1901 censuses of Canada – microform, Glen Eker. Variant Title: Title on header: Jewish residents of Greater Quebec Province in the 1871-1901 censuses of Canada Teaneck, NJ, Distributed by Avotaynu, Inc., 1994
- Jewish residents of Montreal and Quebec City in the 1871-1901 censuses of Canada – microform, compiled by Glen Eker. Teaneck, NJ, Avotaynu, Inc., 1993
- Jewish Residents of Montreal and Quebec City in the 1871-1901 Censuses of Canada – Glen Eker, Ontario, Guelph,1993
- Life in a religious community: the Lubavitcher chassidim in Montreal – William Shaffir. Toronto, Ontario, Holt, Rinehart & Winston of Canada, 1974
- Records of Imperial Russian Consulates in Canada, 1898-1922 – Russia, Consulate, Montreal, Quebec, National Archives Trust Fund Board, NARA, Washington, D.C., 1992 (on microfilm)
- Renewing our days: Montreal Jews in the twentieth century – edited by Ira Robinson and Mervin Butovsky. Montreal, Quebec, Véhicule Press, 1995
- The Jews of Montreal and their Judaisms: a voyage of discovery – MacKay L. Smith. Montreal, Quebec, Aaron Communications, 1998
- Early Jewish Agricultural Colonization of Saskatchewan – Cyril Edel Leonoff, (reprint from) Saskatchewan History, Spring, 1983
- Jewish Residents of Western Canada in the 1870-1901 Censuses of Canada – Glen Eker, Ontario, Guelph,1994
- Raisins and almonds – Toronto, Doubleday Canada; Garden City, New York, Doubleday & Co., 1972
- Township twenty-five: (Burial Information) west of 2nd meridian, range 13, section 10 – Clara Hoffer, Regina, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Department of Culture and Youth, 1974
- Uncle Mike's Edenbridge: memoirs of a Jewish pioneer farmer – Michael Usiskin; translated from the Yiddish by Marcia Usiskin Basman. Uniform Title: Oksn un motorn. English Winnipeg, Manitoba, Peguis Publishers, 1983
- Wapella farm settlement; the first successful Jewish farm settlement in Canada, a pictorial history – Cyril Edel Leonoff, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba, 1972
Yukon Territory
- Jewish Residents of Western Canada in the 1870-1901 Censuses of Canada – Glen Eker, Ontario, Guelph,1994
- Pioneers, peddlers, and prayer shawls: the Jewish communities in British Columbia and the Yukon – Cyril Edel Leonoff, Victoria, British Columbia, Sono Nis Press, 1978