Stern/Stedman Grant Nomination Form 2024

The 2024 Stern Grant Committee members are:

The deadline for all grant nominations is 1 June 2024, 7 pm EDT.

Please review the general Nomination Rules and Criteria and the special Stern/Stedman Grant Criteria before completing this form. Additional instructions are below in italics.

Grant Category

Rabbi Malcolm Stern Grant and John Stedman Memorial Grant

    Nominee Information

    Grant Usage

    Nominator Information

    All information requested is required for a nomination. If, after the initial submission, there is a need to update any information or provide additional files, please send the material to the committee by email to

    Nominating Member Organization:
    (Choose "other" at the end of the list if nomination does not come from an IAJGS member society.)

    Supporting Documentation

    You may upload up to five supporting documents at a time (either PDF, DOC, or DOCX types). These may include samples of publications, additional endorsements or testimonies, or other material that you wish considered by the Stern Grant Committee in making its determination. (Note: the maximum size of file 1 is about 10 MB. The second file can be up to about 5 MB. The other three files are limited to about 2 MB each. If you need to provide larger files, please contact the committee at
    Please ensure that all files have unique names.


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