Are you interested in uncovering more about your Jewish family history? The 44th IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy in Philadelphia offers a unique and enriching experience tailored specifically for those with Jewish ancestors. Here’s why this conference stands out:
1. Specialized Content: Unlike other genealogy conferences, this event focuses exclusively on Jewish genealogy, providing in-depth sessions on topics like Jewish historical records, DNA analysis for Jewish ancestry, and exploring Jewish roots in various geographic regions.
2. Expert-Led Presentations and Workshops: With more than 175 presentations and dozens of other workshops, panel discussions, luncheons, and meetings, you’ll have the opportunity to learn from leading experts in the field. These sessions cover everything from beginner to advanced topics, ensuring valuable takeaways for every attendee.
3. Networking with Like-Minded Enthusiasts: You could stay home and watch webinars but this is an in-person conference. It’s a gathering of passionate genealogy enthusiasts. Meet others who share your interests, exchange tips, and maybe even find a distant relative!
4. Exclusive Access to Resources: Attendees gain access to a wealth of resources, including the latest research tools and databases specific to Jewish genealogy and access to mentors and translators.
5. Vibrant Community Engagement: During the conference there will be special interest groups (SIGs) Research Divisions (RDs), and Birds of a Feather (BoF) gatherings. These are all opportunities for you to engage more with the community. If you’re a first timer, consider attending the “First Timers BoF” held during the conference.
Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to delve deeper into your Jewish family history. Learn more about the conference at IAJGS2024.org.
We hope you will join us in Philadelphia, August 18th through 22nd for an unforgettable experience!
Early bird registration has been extended to July 4th!
If you beat the early bird deadline, the conference is $395 for the week. Students (under 25 years old and with a student ID) can attend for $125. After the early bird deadline the price of the conference will increase to $475.